“Time immemorial, there always have been and always will be a few chosen ones who would lead and others who shall follow them, but the structure is not rigid and simple, like the constituent sentient people forming the various strata of the structure the structure also evolves over time with change in the personalities of people. This is an attempt to understand the patterns and fluidity of the socio sexual structure and to understand where we fit as per our personality type or vice versa where our personality would lead us into the hierarchy.”
Ever since humans evolved and started living in tribes and social groups there has been a social hierarchy structure that has been laid down by said or unsaid rules, the leaders were chosen for their brute strengths and ability to keep others tribesmen safe from the dangers of animal attacks/ other tribes, in return of the safety provided by these leaders they had their pick of best women, best food and they enjoyed higher status on the totem pole of socio sexual hierarchy, others accepted this because they knew that in case of any perils they would be protected by their leaders and this was a price they chose to pay for the sense of safety so that they can go about their lives unencumbered, as the tribes evolved into communities, communities into villages, villages into cities and cities into nations, one thing never changed, the social hierarchy and power dynamics.

Why is it important to discern the socio sexual hierarchy and how can you leverage it for your own good?
The socio sexual hierarchy is at its core is a pattern of behaviour which is significant to identify and organise ourselves alongside others and ascertain where we rank in the leadership human totem pole in social status & power dynamics, it also allows us to better understand and anticipate other people’s behavior what ticks them and how we can use it for our own gains or at least to avoid falling into obvious traps to our detriment.
Socio sexual hierarchy may sound complicated but this is something each one of us is familiar with and knowingly or unknowingly has even practiced right from our schooling days to corporate culture for work and every social group in which you participate the social sexual hierarchy is how men and boys relate to one another what you are how you behave and what your natural inclinations are likely to be. Often talk of the town and envy of others, its mysterious that how some men are sexually more successful than other men, men to whom women are easily attracted to, social sexual hierarchy answers that mystery and more, it brings in social dominance, it’s not all about male-female relations, it’s just as much about male-male relations the internal code of conduct that tends to govern an individual man’s behaviour in a social setting.

There are 6 major categorisation of personality types in the constitution of socio sexual hierarchy:-
- Alpha: The top dog
- Beta: The follower
- Delta: The worker bee
- Gamma: The know it all anarchist
- Omega: The ostracised
- Sigma: The lone wolf